How Humble Boots Began

Humble Boots inspires families to connect more deeply with one another and the world, through experiential travel that's fun for all while encouraging growth in empathy, open-mindedness and tolerance.

You don’t have to venture too far off the beaten path, either (though I’m a big advocate for stretching your comfort zone). You can easily seek more humbling experiences, such as by visiting a less touristy destination, planning a private tour during a cruise or resort stay, and staycationing in a small town that packs a punch with traditions.

Travel is never perfect; it’s full of surprises, no matter how Type A you are of a planner. But simply being more intentional in the way you interact with different cultures and environments opens up so many more doors for perfect moments. This ain’t your average “mom blog.” Stick around for seasoned family travel tips, recommendations and more to help you plan unique and humbling vacations that even the toughest little critics will enjoy.